Support the Virginia Reliability Project!


Support the Virginia Reliability Project!
Added on September 16, 2022 to Member News

Support the Virginia Reliability Project!

Improving natural gas reliability and helping to meet the current and future needs of the Hampton Roads region


TC Energy’s Virginia Reliability Project (VRP) will modernize the natural gas transmission system in Hampton Roads by replacing 49 miles of existing pipeline between Sussex County and Chesapeake. It will add 100,000 dekatherms of reliable domestic energy to meet growing demand for natural gas in Hampton Roads.

VRP will create good-paying jobs for workers today and provide capacity to support our region’s continued economic growth. Doing so will attract new innovators to Hampton Roads, establishing another phase in the area’s economic expansion.

Visit to learn more about the project benefits. 

As a fellow member of the Hampton Roads Chamber, we hope you will consider adding your voice to the diverse and bipartisan coalition of business leaders supporting VRP. Please share your information by clicking here and a member of our team will be in touch.

We look forward to speaking with you!